Friday, May 28, 2010

Aitchison College

Usman showed us around his high school alma mater, Aitchison College. It is a British-style boarding school founded by the English in the late 1800s, and remains as a legacy of colonialism. Technically, Aitchinson is a public school because it is funded by the government, but only those who are admitted and able to pay tuition go there. Usman says there are three other schools like it in Pakistan. There are about 2000 students, all boys. There are several Aitchison alums at OWU.

The "Old Building," the original built by the British in the late 1800s and inspired by Moghul architecture.

Aitchison boys wear these turbans every friday.


  1. You guys have got to wear those things to class at OWU.

  2. Me and my friends have visited the visa service multiple times to get our visa to Vietnam and we have always gotten our visa on time. They're amazing!
